Taste Of Summer

I don’t know about you but this mini heatwave in England has made me so excited for the summer.

First things first, into the depths of your wardrobe you go to dig out those summer items. Next step (if you’re anything like me) it’s straight to the sunscreen/tanning essentials. The red lobster skin effect is never a good look.

The best thing about sunny warm weather in the UK is the great mood it puts everyone in. It always makes me think of the film Wall-E and his solar power, particularly the scene when the sun charges him up in the morning (trust me to relate anything back to Disney). Definitely felt like that this weekend!

As mentioned in a previous post, I’ve made a new vow to appreciate and explore the places surrounding me. So, as soon as the sun came out I was excited to spend some times with friends and explore some new local places.


Friday was spent in Bristol, visiting my fellow Girl in Polka Dot, Isabel. Along with her usual yummy food preparations we had a lovely catch up and went to the local for some drinks in the sun. I loveee British pub time.


It was so nice to be able to wear a girly dress in the sun!


The next post will be on our Saturday day trip ♥

Sarah xx